Art and craft ideas that are low on mess and high on fun!
There is no denying that children, on the whole, love nothing more than arts and crafts. While this is a great way to keep them entertained, for parents, these activities can cause a headache when it comes to cleaning up afterwards.
Here at Jumping Stars we know what it takes to entertain the smallest members of your family and believe it or not, we even have the secret to doing it with minimal mess too! To help you enjoy arts and crafts again, here are some of our ideas on how to do it mess-free, but with lots of fun!
Squish Paint
This one is probably best for younger children, the idea of this is that you fill a plastic bag (with a ziplock) with baby oil and water-soluble paint (these can be a few colours with extra glitter if you want to make it unique). The bag should be sealed, and you may want to even Sellotape over the sealed edge to ensure that everything is kept inside. Give this to them and let them squish it around with their fingers, they get to make a masterpiece, and there is no mess for you.
Activity resources to buy:
- Glitter
Make a collage
For a slightly longer-term project, a collage works well. Best of all, this is good for all ages and is fun to do. It would be best if you had some paper and things that you find from around your home. This could be craft materials such as sequins or feathers or perhaps cut-outs from magazines and print outs. The idea is that they are given these cut-outs (or if they are older they can have a go at cutting things out themselves) and a glue stick. They can stick things down wherever they like, and once it is all done, they have a new poster to display.
Activity resources to buy:
- Glue
- Sequins
- Feathers
- Stickers
Create tissue paper flowers
You should never underestimate the number of things that you can create with tissue paper alone. Flowers is a popular one, not only because they are mess-free, but they are easy to make and can be given to someone as a gift. It is best to watch a video tutorial on how to make these. However, it mostly involves minimal glue and plenty of folding and scrunching, as well as some pipe cleaners too.
As you can see, art and crafts can be a whole lot of fun, without being messy! All you need to do is think of ways that you can give them the freedom to imagine and to create, without letting them loose on the paint box and craft supplies.
That said, children are only young once, and if they like to make the occasional mess, then it might be a good idea for you to grab your mop and cleaner for afterwards and then sit back and let them go for it!
You never know what they might create.
Activities and resources for children under 2 years old
Variety of textures, sounds and smells Use chiffon scarves, bubbles, bubble machine, (it's worth investing in a good bubble machine because the cheaper ones are not lasting for more than a week, I can tell you from my experience:), floaty fabrics and feathers with straws activity it's very fun, show your toddler how to put the feather into the jumbo straw and then blow it up to the sky, it's so much fun.
All the resources listed above will encourage your baby to stretch and reach, to explore and to play with different textures.
Playing and beating on everyday household utensils like saucepans and wooden spoons and food containers can help with hand-to-eye co-ordination in a small toy kitchen, or just playing with a ball and balloons can be very entertaining.
We have these type of activities available for children in our creches, please book a creche for 2021 and get a discount of 25% off. Offer available for a limited time.
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