Homeschooling Educators
Working From Home?
Working from home is not easy, but here at Jumping Stars, we're pivoting our services towards your needs.
If you have children under the age of 12 years old and you're not sure if they follow an academic programme that will help them learn and progress in their development, contact us.
A free quote regarding this type of service will be given after we set up a Zoom/Video Chat meeting or a face -to - face appointment where all the safety requirements are taken into consideration.
meet your child/children and all of you
assess their skills and aptitudes by playing quick and easy games or activities
we follow the EYFS Standards to identify the next steps in your children learning development, depending on children's age
we check and analyze the resources and equipment available in your house
we'll discuss any needs and concerns that you may have regarding your children
After we gather all this information then we'll be able to produce a full report on your child's progress
Jumping Stars Homeschooling Responsibilities
enabling environment - this means that will rearrange/ design the playroom/educational space
will look for creative resources to improve and challenge their learning
look for a rewarding system
cover all areas of development following the EYFS and OFSTED Standards
search for the age-appropriate free homeschooling online resources and educational programmes
Please contact us for more details and references about this type of service. We work with families all over London and try our best to provide a customized homeschooling programme together with individual children's daily routines for affordable prices.